Monday, 22 May 2023

English Gematria: A Close Look at the Hidden Meanings of Our Language


english gematria is a fascinating subject that explores the numerical values assigned to letters and words in the English language. It is based on an ancient system of Jewish numerology called "gematria", which assigns numbers to letters for mystical purposes.

How Does It Work?

In English gematria, each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a specific number from 1-26, with A being 1 and Z being 26. The value of a word is determined by adding up all the letter values. For example, the word "love" would be calculated as follows:

L+O+V+E = 12+15+22+5 = 54

Therefore, "love" has a numerical value of 54.

The History Behind Gematria

The origins of gematria can be traced back to ancient cultures such as Hebrew, Greek and Egyptian. It was used for both practical and mystical purposes - for instance, it was used in early numerology practices to predict future events based on numerical patterns.

The Significance Of Numerical Values

In numerology it is believed that each number holds its own significance , meaning or vibration that can impart those qualities onto a person or object associated with it.

The Role Of Gematria Today

Gematria still plays an important role in Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) as well as other modern spiritual practices .The practice has also been adopted by other religions such as Christianity where symbolic meanings are given to various phrases in order communicate different messages effectively .


English gematria offers a unique perspective on language and the hidden meanings behind words. It allows us to tap into the deeper aspects of our consciousness and explore the mystical nature of our reality.

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